Are you a member?
My wife and I were finishing our lunches one afternoon recently in a local restaurant when our server approached us and asked if we were members of their reward program. I kindly said we were not and she quickly followed up with the question asking if we would be interested in joining their program. I kindly said we would not be interested and thanked her anyway. A short conversation between my wife and I commenced about their rewards program. I made the comment that these reward programs were silly and that these businesses should just offer better pricing and not bother with those programs. They seem like a hassle, yet so many businesses are offering them. With so many reward programs out there it must be a testament to how well they work. The objective of the business is to increase their revenue and so it must have some positive impact on the business. I think the appeal for the customer is that it offers a discount after so many dollars spent or times used. The reward programs are free to join; so the consumer gets a bonus for doing something he or she was going to do in the first place. It’s a win-win situation right?
The late Dr. Adrien Rogers, who was a pastor, author, and served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention, once had a sermon titled, “Saved to Serve”. I was able to listen to part of this sermon and just the title was enough to move me and help me to think about this truth. So many of us, once we are saved, tend to think that our work is finished right at the moment we reach salvation. We forget that Jesus spoke those words, “It is finished…”, in some last words before dying on the cross. If we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us then indeed the work is finished. We are not required to labor to reach the grace that God offers. We don’t have a ten point program that must be completed once saved before we are guaranteed eternal life in Heaven. However, there is this one little issue that we must also not forget about.
Jesus did also leave his followers with some commands to obey. One of the Pharisees, or teachers of the Jewish law, once asked Jesus…”Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:36-39 NIV.
Jesus told his disciples this…”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV. This is known as the Great Commission….
Followers of Christ, Christians, have been commanded by Jesus to go and make other disciples until the end of the age. A Christian disciple is a follower of Jesus, and one who passes on the truth of His teaching to other people who have never heard it. A disciple hopes that this truth will fall on open hearts made possible only by the Holy Spirit. Disciples are seed planters, waterers, and bridge builders; people who use their God given spiritual gifts in leverage for increasing God’s Kingdom.
Did you know God is the original Creator of the Rewards Program? There are a lot of verses in the Holy Bible that tell us about rewards we will receive in Heaven for the good works we do on earth. “The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:8-9 NIV.
Some of us plant a seed or introduce Christ to others, and hopefully those who hear it accept this as truth. Then there are other disciples who will come alongside them and “water” them, or teach them for greater understanding in the Word of God. We are all part of the body of Christ and so each of us can contribute in the way God has created you to do so.
Let’s look at the last book of the Holy Bible, the book of Revelation, written by John an Apostle of Jesus Christ – one of the original 12 followers selected by Jesus to be the first disciples. Jesus said, “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” Revelation 22:12
It is by God’s Grace we are saved. We are commanded by Jesus to serve others, to love others as we love ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I believe and have faith in Jesus because I gave my heart to Him. I know in my heart that Jesus Christ is the truth and the only way to eternal life with Him. So, if I love myself like this, that I don’t want to spend eternity in hell, without forgiveness of my sins, to be constantly reminded and remembering all the sins I committed in my life, without love, and not to forget in constant pain and agony….. I should also want this for my friends, my family, and every other person on the planet. Right? “To love your neighbor as yourself”… This is what this means my friends.
Please, sign me up for God’s rewards program. I can’t wait to see what the rewards will be. Hey…the best part is that it only costs you your love…. Jesus paid all our sin debt. We get to carry the message forward to others who don’t know how easy it is really is to be a part of the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.
Praise God, He loves us all so much. I hope you sign up for God’s rewards program too. Nothing to buy, nothing to stamp, nothing to keep track of, nothing to do but love your neighbor as yourself.
Take Care
God Bless
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