Refer a Friend!

In my last writing I was speaking to you about God’s reward program; how we can work to build our rewards while on earth so we have treasures in Heaven.  The old saying, “you can’t take it with you…” is only half true. When we die, or when our loved ones die, our bodies are buried in the earth.  Those who lose a loved one, only see the physical body being laid to rest.  We don’t get to see into God’s Heaven where those who die in Christ are reunited with Him in glory.  It is in our faith we believe that our loved ones, who we know knew Christ while alive, are with Christ in death.  This is a comfort that God can give, to know that our loved ones are with Christ, and to know that upon our death we too will be untied in Christ and will see loved ones who preceded us.  When we share Christ with someone who has yet to know Him, we are presenting a gospel that can save another person.  Should they chose to believe and accept Christ as their personal savior, and they confess with their mouth that Christ is Lord, and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead; they too will be saved. Reference Rom 10:9.  Everyone who is saved in Christ will be with Christ in Heaven and reunited with treasures we knew on earth.

Don’t we consider our children, spouses, families and friends our earthy treasures? Don’t we consider our friendships and relationships as something to be treasured?  God desires a relationship with each of us, just as we desire relationships with other people.  I know personally, that I could say, there isn’t any physical thing on this earth that could be given to me in place of my relational treasure.    My relationship with God is my treasure.  My wife is my treasure.  My sons are my treasure.  My friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are my treasure.  These are the treasures we can take with us to Heaven.  These treasures we get to enjoy for eternity.  How urgent it makes me feel to share the gospel so that others have the opportunity to come to Christ to be treasures in heaven.  It is certain that everyone will spend eternity somewhere, either in heaven or in hell, and we cannot be a part of the heavenly kingdom by being good, or by living a life we think is right.  Only through Christ is it possible for anyone to enter eternity in heaven.  It is a gift of God that we must willingly receive.

Knowing these things should be a real reason for all of us to share with others the redemption through and in Christ. We should desire to “refer” all people to the only saving Grace.  Because God provided a way for all sinners to be restored to Him freely we are asked to share this free gift with others so they too can be saved.  The rewards in heaven will be great.  There is a lot at stake in waiting to refer a friend.  None of us know when we will die, and we all should realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Start by knowing that you are saved in Christ. Have you given yourself to Christ and accept by faith as Romans 10:9 says?  If you have, then you also have a hunger for the Word and for a growing relationship with Jesus.  Begin a conversation with a friend or a coworker.  Share with them how you came to know Jesus.  Start building a Bridge to another person, a relationship that can be continued in heaven for eternity.  Refer a friend, share the gospel, and create the possibility of taking it with you when you die.

God Bless


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