I understand now that I can continually be shocked and surprised at what humans are capable of and what so many are willing to do in the name of money and profit. I am reminded of that scene in the original Planet of the Apes movie when Charles Heston realizes that humans finally destroyed themselves in their quest for power and money. In that story they turned reality and morals completely upside down by genetically altering apes, leading to the downfall of man and the rise of a human creation. I now realize we are just that capable and willing to do just that, turn our morals upside down.
I wonder how in the world we as a society can stoop to such low levels of humanity that we lose our sense of love and compassion for others and our value for human life in all stages of development. I am then reminded of a great prophet in the Old Testament, who by the way was ignored by his contemporary society as well. God instructed Isaiah to tell the Israelites word for word what was spoken to him. Isaiah was a channel of communication from God to His people in order that people come to know that God is ultimately in control and therefore also ultimately our final judge. We will answer to God for all we do and don’t do in our lifetime. One verse in Isaiah seems to come to mind that I believe fits our society and our character right now more than ever in America and across the world.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 NIV.
This verse is really pretty plain to read and understand. This isn’t a verse that needs any kind of interpretation. It speaks for itself. Does it seem crazy to you that anyone would call something that has always been known as evil in this world – good? Let me put it another way. If you are an American living right now in the year 2015, would you agree that killing a child would be an evil act? Maybe we should define evil. According to Oxford dictionary the definition of evil is “profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.” The definition of immorality according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is, “the quality or state of being without principles of right and wrong.”
Evil you could say then is profoundly being without principles of right and wrong. It is wickedness. Are we not born with and raised with a sense of right and wrong? According to recent “scientific” studies and research it is believed that even babies have the sense of right and wrong. (See Paul Bloom research Feb. 2014). While science may attribute this to evolution in humans I fully give credit to God and know that we are given a sense of right and wrong from our creator God.
This brings me to my scream to and sad realization of our society on July 14, 2015. If someone could explain to me why today in America that we have breaking news about how Planned Parenthood is involved in some way with the mining or harvesting of unborn baby parts provided through abortions and yet we see very little news coverage, very little feedback from our own society. Even today I heard that there are two republican and two democrat US congressmen who are still standing firmly behind the Planned Parenthood organization even after the release, as of today, of four undercover “sting” videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in this human atrocity. The organization releasing these videos spent two years undercover on this story and says that there are between 10 and 12 videos that will be released showing this truly evil work in harvesting human baby parts for use in medical research. These baby organs and body parts are collected, being as careful as the doctors can not to damage them during the aborting process. They are then sold to research companies.
These videos show casual, calm discussions with people directly involved in this evil work. Can we all agree that this behavior is calling evil good and good evil? The truly sad chain of events with this story is that while this story was breaking another story about a lion named Cecil is catching much more attention in all the news outlets. Cecil was a lion that was hunted and killed near a preserve in Africa by a dentist from the US. Our society is much more outspoken against the hunter who killed the lion than it is the news about aborting and harvesting and selling human baby parts…!!! Really??? Do we live in this upside down world or is it just me? More outrage over killing an animal than killing human babies and harvesting their body parts?!!? Did I mention that this harvesting of baby body parts has been happening for many years across our country? Yet, the lion was killed and that is just so much more evil and wrong….
Our priorities are out of whack. Our society is crawling into a deep dark cave and all the while telling itself that it is really bright in here. I will leave you with a string question. How much of this sick, evil work do you think it will take before we wake up? Will we wake up? Are we so numb to this that we just don’t care?
Remember we will all answer for what we do and don’t do in our lifetime.
God Bless
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